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Research articles

Medical research boosts survival rates and makes in particular cancer treatment kinder on people diagnosed in the future. See some of our research articles below:

Radiographer and patient with a scanner

Tackling pancreatic cancer – PET-PANC study

Pancreatic cancer patients could benefit from the results of a major national study in which Paul Strickland Scanner Centre played a key role, according to an NHS Health Technology Assessment that has just been published. Improved diagnosis and staging The PET-PANC study, funded by the National Institute for Health Research

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Breast cancer. Transforming lives through scanning

What if the scan itself, combined with the right treatments, could be the key to transforming the treatment for metastatic breast cancer? When people hear about breakthroughs in cancer treatment, they often think of drugs that target the cancer almost instantly, with “before” and “after” scans showing how one or

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