Supporter stories

smiling patient

Sarah's story

Personal Experience
Patient and supporter
Sarah patient and supporter profile image

"Without the research and dedication from Paul Strickland Scanner Centre I do not believe I would be as well as I am today".

“Their work in whole-body MRI means that my regular scans monitor whether my secondary breast cancer treatment is working and informs on changes immediately.

This allows my consultant to change my treatment plan accordingly – amazing people and I would like to thank them so much”.

Sarah is a valued supporter of Paul Strickland Scanner Centre and has, amongst other things, given her time to help us develop a patient information film about having an MRI scan, which is particularly helpful for patients who might be anxious about having a scan.

There are many different ways to support us – from volunteering on a project to giving us a one-off or regular donation that funds our work now or in the future.

Katy's story

Personal Experience
Katie patient relative photo

“Dad had a PET-CT scan at Paul Strickland Scanner Centre for early diagnosis of lung cancer. Mum and dad found the staff at the unit very polite and caring and whilst there they read that the centre depended on voluntary contributions legacies and fund raising events. They realised on the day that they attended the scanner was in constant use and that cancer affects so many people and of all ages.

Sadly dad lost his courageous battle and died on Christmas Eve 2012, with all his family by his side. He was 61.

I subsequently ran the London Marathon in his memory.

I am so proud of the way dad coped with all he went through and so by taking on this massive challenge I hoped he would be proud of me.

The London marathon was a huge personal challenge, and I had to overcome many hurdles to reach the finish line, including injury during training. The actual day was amazing and I will never forget the feeling and adrenaline that I experienced. I completed the marathon using all my strength and determination, just as my dad did. Dad taught me to be strong and during the toughest miles, around mile 18 onwards, I remembered all that he taught me in life. I wasn’t going to fail this challenge, I wasn’t going to fail my dad or the charity.

The centre is vital to early diagnosis and anyone who has to visit the centre will experience care, politeness and most importantly an understanding from staff of what a difficult and worrying time it is for that patient and their family.”

If you want to make a difference for patients like Katie’s dad, please consider supporting Paul Strickland Scanner Centre.

Terry's story

Personal Experience
Terry patient profile image

Terry lost a brother and sister to cancer and was himself diagnosed with advanced prostate cancer. He was told it could be controlled for some time, but not cured as it was already in the bones.

All stages of his treatment were informed by the very precise images of his spine, ribs, skull and soft tissue scanned by the state-of-the-art equipment at Paul Strickland Scanner Centre. Doctors could target treatment on the precise spots, and to Terry this provided hope and a way forward. He always showed amazing courage and total belief in the consultants, doctors and nurses who treated him – due to the fact that he always knew that the answers were in the images and the images were the result of the scanners.

Terry felt a strong connection to the staff at Paul Strickland Scanner Centre and never missed an opportunity to talk to people about what his consultant could do for him as a result of interpreting Terry’s body scans. It became one of his favourite charities to support and he believed that the scanners remain the unseen and unappreciated tools to beat cancer and are essential to the one in three people affected by the condition today.

Unfortunately Terry died in May 2015, aged 67.

If you want to make a difference for patients like Terry, please consider supporting Paul Strickland Scanner Centre.

Gina's story

Personal Experience
Gina and her mum supporter

"Together with wonderful friends and family I have been running the British 10k for the past few years to raise money for Paul Strickland Scanner Centre at Mount Vernon Hospital in memory of my fabulous mum, Margaret Gross (on the left in the picture).

During the three years that she had cancer, she received outstanding care from the consultants, specialists, doctors and nurses at Mount Vernon Hospital. This is where she was given regular scans pre- and post-chemotherapy treatments to help her try and stay ahead of her illness.

Taking part in fundraising has helped those close to my Mum to do something positive together after a really difficult and ultimately life-changing few years. It’s been a real comfort to get together, train together and run together for Mum.

Ironically my Mum was not a keen runner but she did love having her friends together having a good time and was always at the centre making sure everyone was OK. Being able to get everyone together, share memories of Mum and raise money for this extremely worthy and much needed cause has been a great experience.”

If you want to make a difference for patients like Gina’s mum, please consider supporting Paul Strickland Scanner Centre.

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