Your donations will continue to be used for the benefit of patients at Paul Strickland Scanner Centre, whether or not Mount Vernon Cancer Centre relocates to Watford, according to our Chair Mrs Cathy Williams.
Your donations will continue to be used for the benefit of patients at Paul Strickland Scanner Centre, whether or not Mount Vernon Cancer Centre relocates to Watford, according to our Chair Mrs Cathy Williams.
Mrs Williams’s promise comes after a recommendation by NHS England that Mount Vernon Cancer Centre should come under new management and that it should be moved to a new site shared with Watford General Hospital.
The project is contingent on a government grant of nearly £300million, which is yet to be forthcoming.
Nevertheless, designs for the new build have already been drawn up and Paul Strickland Scanner Centre would move together with the cancer centre and continue to be an integral part of patient care, should plans go ahead.
Mrs Williams said: “It’s not clear whether the move will happen or not, but the Board and I are united in our agreement that, whatever happens, your current and future donations will continue to be used to support excellent care and research for the benefit of patients who attend Paul Strickland Scanner Centre. We’re an independent charity and decide our own future, guided by the needs of our patients and the wishes of supporters like yourself.”